Choosing the right job boards : 3 mistakes to avoid !

It is perfectly legitimate to want to be present on as many job boards as possible when you are looking to recruit. However, being everywhere at once is not the right visibility strategy as it can damage your credibility if you lack tactics. As a recruiter, it is important to target the sites where your potential candidates will be present. Discover the 3 mistakes to avoid when choosing your job boards.
Type 1: free job boards. These allow recruiters to post jobs on widely visited job boards, thus ensuring high visibility and the possibility of reaching a maximum number of diversified profiles. All types of companies and sectors can post jobs for any type of position with the assurance of reaching at least some of the profiles they are looking for.
Type 2: Paying job boards. For most companies, paid job boards are a complement to free job boards. Either because the free job boards were not sufficient to find the profile they were looking for, or because it is part of an HR strategy. Indeed, paying job boards allow, in particular, to reach more qualified profiles for positions that are generally specific or with responsibility. Knowing that they are paying, it is better to choose them with care, and especially by knowing the type of profile they reach but also their audience.
Type 3: specialized job boards. There are job boards on the market that focus on specific sectors of activity. You can find specialized sites for industry, renewable energies, transport, construction, finance, etc. These will allow the company to be sure to reach the right people and therefore to have more qualified applications (even if they may be less). You can find specialized sites such as: Emploi-environnement, Experteer, GreenUnivers, …
- No need to publish your ads on every site
Start by establishing the budget you are able to allocate to your recruitments. Depending on the type of job you have to fill (degree of qualification) and the budget you have defined, you can determine whether it is better to publish only on paid or free job boards, as well as the number of sites on which you will publish.
- Selecting job boards that match your sector of activity and function
Each job board has its own advantages and there is no magic formula for all your recruitments. With each new ad, you must rethink your distribution on job boards according to the sector of activity and the job concerned. Target the job boards that seem relevant for the type of profile you are looking for.
- Do not neglect social networks
The diffusion of job offers on professional and personal social networks has become more and more popular. The first one that comes to mind is LinkedIn, which has more than half of the active population in France, or 19 million members. Post your job openings there and build relationships with your candidates.
Contrary to popular belief, the field of recruitment cannot be improvised. That’s why it’s best to be accompanied in this process by professionals in the field. Do not hesitate to contact us for your recruitment projects !