Kovačica becomes Serbia’s largest fully operational wind farm

After almost three decades, a completely new large power plant – the 104.5 MW Kovačica wind farm, has been connected to the electricity transmission system of Serbia. Developed under a EUR 189 million project, Kovačica is the largest fully operational wind farm and new renewable energy power plant in Serbia.
The Kovačica wind farm launched the trial run at the beginning of the year and has been fully operational since July 12. The other 4 operational wind farms in Serbia are the 500 kW Devreč 1 (2012), the 9.9 MW Kula (2016), the 6.6 MW La Piccolina (2016), and the 8 MW Alibunar (2018). About 370 MW more of wind farms are under construction or in the trial production phase in the country.
The Kovačica wind farm has obtained the status of a privileged power producer as the first completely new power plant facility connected to the electricity transmission system after almost three decades, New Energy Solutions said in a press release.
According to the official data, the last completely new power plant connected to the 400 kV, 220 kV, and 110 kV transmission system was the Pirot hydropower plant (HPP), which was put into operation in 1990.
By obtaining the status of a privileged power producer, the project has been fully developed and the exploitation of the wind farm has commenced, New Energy Solutions said.
The Kovačica wind farm comprises of 38 General Electric 2.75-120 type wind turbines.
- Israel’s Enlight acquired ownership of the project in 2016
The development of the Kovačica wind farm started in 2012. The building permit was obtained in 2014, while the temporary status of a privileged power producer was obtained in 2015. The ownership of the project was acquired by Israel’s Enlight in 2016, while project management, project development, and construction were entrusted to New Energy Solutions.
New Energy Solutions will conduct operational management and maintenance.
The project is financed by the consortium consisting of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Erste Group, and Erste Bank Serbia, covered by Euler-Hermes ECA, New Energy Solutions said.
The project will contribute to achieving the country’s goal of producing and consuming 27% of renewable energy by 2020 and reducing CO2 emissions.
Originally published on Balkan Green Energy News