Job interview: 6 attitudes that recruiters hate

The job interview is an essential part of a job […]

The job interview is an essential part of a job search. Whether you are naturally confident or totally stressed, it is important for you to make a good first impression. Among the attitudes that irritate recruiters, here are the most common and most prohibitive.

Before any interview, it is essential to do some research on the company. This means knowing its history, culture, sector of activity, products/services, strengths and competitors. This will show your recruiter that you are curious and genuinely interested in the position. In order not to forget any elements (dates, figures, etc), you can write them down in a small notebook that you keep with you on the day.

Being late is a mistake that can give a very bad first impression. Organise yourself to arrive early and leave a 15-minute margin before the interview. If your lateness is unavoidable, tell your recruiter on the phone and don’t forget to apologize as soon as you arrive.

A difficult exercise in an interview is to succeed in valuing yourself… without appearing too sure of yourself. Rather than asserting “I am the best at this”, illustrate your words with examples (with figures if possible), experiences or anecdotes. Similarly, don’t take credit for your former team’s successes, but explain how you contributed to them, showing humility.

Denigrating your former employer is never well received. Whatever your reasons, it can make your recruiter think that you lack maturity, flexibility or adaptability. In addition, they may think that if it went badly before, it could happen again. The best thing to do? Focus on your desire to grow, learn and gain experience, both professionally and personally.

Not smiling, having an inexpressive face, slouching in your chair, crossing your arms… These are all gestures that can create a negative image of you. During the interview, pay attention to your body language: stand up straight, look your interviewer in the eye and be dynamic and pleasant. This is a good way to break the ice, to engage in a fluid dialogue and to show that you are an open-minded and good communicator.

Our advice? Be a good listener by taking notes. This is a positive sign that you are attentive and interested in what your recruiter is saying. It can also help you ask the right questions at the end of the interview.

At the end of the interview, it will be your turn to ask your questions. This last step is an opportunity to clarify points raised during the exchange with your recruiter and to show your interest in the position. The questions must be relevant and concern your potential future team, the services and products, the company’s structure, the working conditions… Be curious!

You now have all the keys to have the right attitude in an interview.

Don’t hesitate to apply for one of our offers and put all this good advice into practice.

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