The 12th barometer of electric renewable energies in France is available
France is increasing its lag in the deployment of electric renewable energies, despite the installation of more than four gigawatts (GW), mostly photovoltaic, by 2021, according to the barometer published Tuesday, January 25 by Observ’ER (Observatoire des Énergies Renouvelables) in partnership with ADEME and FNCCR.
The ambition of this work is to bring together in a single tool a set of energy, socio-economic and industrial indicators which, grouped and analysed, present a detailed hexagonal picture of all technologies.
You will find the most developed electric renewable energies, such as photovoltaic, wind, hydraulic, solid biomass, biogas and waste incineration, but also sectors in the making such as geothermal and marine energies. Each sector is presented in the form of a summary sheet.